Directed by Kinji Fukasaku
Written by Kenta Fukasaku and Koushun Takami
Starring Tatsuya Fujiwara and Beat Takashi
There aren't too many movies that contain the sheer greatness within their plot descriptions. However, when they do show up, it is often easiest just to let the ad-men do the talking. First off, here are the various tag-lines for Battle Royale, tag-lines being the short, punchy sentences advertisers put on movie posters. (Or soft-drink machines, subway ads, school buses and infant children.)
1) Could you kill your best friend?
2) One Dead. 41 To Go.
3) 42 Students, Three Days, One Survivor, No Rules.
4) Today, I killed my best friend.
5) Have you ever killed your best friend?
After reading this, you already know whether you want to see Battle Royale or not. If you're in the former category, have fun. You never forget your first time through this blood-soaked romp.
If you are in the latter camp--well, you may need to go back and read those five lines again, remembering this time that Japanese ad-men have far more dignity than American ad-men, who are known liars.