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good reviews, but michael bay didn't direct con air. don't know who did, and don't care enough to go look it up.

Egan: you're exactly right, it wasn't Michael Bay, it was Simon West. He directed Tomb Raider & The General's Daughter, so the point is still vaguely accurate, although Eyes Wide Shut probably beat General's Daughter financially.

A prize for you.

sadly, it didn't. for all of Kubrick's genius, his film's couldn't even rival low-rent John Travolta thrillers at the box office.

"for all of Kubrick's genius, his film's couldn't even rival low-rent John Travolta thrillers at the box office"

And how sad is that??? I mean, wtf has Travolta ever done that was of any real substance? I can think of decent works he was in, but I can't name 1 that was good BECAUSE he was in it.

white man's burden?

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