Powers # 27
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Michael Avon Oeming
Published by Icon/Marvel Comics
What's a Virgin Read? Well, it's a dame who writes about comics, that's what. No penis, and no comics experience. (Except for Watchmen, because hey, doesn't everybody like Watchmen? Haven't all Malaysian people read that by now? If not, why not?) Anyways, she'll handle one of the regular comics of the weak, for the foreseeable future, as Tucker has been called away to an offshore rape factory. Have fun and get wet.
So, the CEO of The Factual Opinion comes to me with a stack of the current week in comics for me to choose from. As is this is my first foray into comics journalism, I, without shame, must say that I, quite literally, judged the books by their covers. So I chose Powers.
The cover picture is simply strong. I don't know that I initially noticed that it was a drawing of a man assaulting me with his pained intense stare, his pistol taking aim and his larger than life badge casting a shadow over his face. It was the sleekness and strength that grabbed me in stark contrast to the other options.
Anyhow, I'm glad there's a recap section to give me an idea of what's going on, that was a plus. I was surprised to realize, having never read Powers prior to this, that I found myself caring about what was going to happen next before I was halfway through. It should be made understood that, being mostly new to comics, that it's a little hard to swallow super-heroes and super-powers right off the bat. That's why I think I enjoyed this so much, as the crime story was the focus and the "powers" area was vague. Nevertheless, I was captivated by our hooded-friend, and wondered who she was. And what she was doing with her hand. Although the end reveal is clear to any Powers reader, I still didn't get exactly who she was supposed to be. (I realize that it's some kind of pretty big deal.)
It was hard to see the Triphammer person on the roof in his getup. The comic nearly lost me there. Having him "lose the armor" helped. So what am I saying? I really enjoyed this comic. Comics I've previously read usually take a lot more effort to stay interested and committed too--this wasn't the case with Powers. Again, that's probably because this felt more like a realistic crime story than a fantasy I don't have. I particularly enjoyed Michael Avon Oeming's art. He has a talent for drawing large groups. For example: the detectives on page 2 & 3, the bar on 4 & 5, the rows of police on 14, the Jane Does on 19, the school kids on 22 & 23 and the the Simons on 26 & 27.
It makes me think of a recent conversation with the florist from my upcoming wedding. I want a sleek,
classic look and I have flowers and colors in mind. She, the florist, likes my idea but said that she'll have each arrangement on each table a little different because she "gets bored" doing the same thing over and over. Ah. To me, this separates the self-involved artist from an artist/craftsmen. The ability to do the same thing, again and again, like a group shots of characters to serve the overall narrative and be comprehensible to the reader is what a comics artist, it seems to me, needs to be able to do without "getting bored." It's not that artist can't, or shouldn't experiment, it's that they have to be able to replicate form on a consistent basis if they desire any commercial success. Otherwise, it's just the comics equivalent of an artsy-fartsy florist who thinks my wedding is all about her flowers and not about me. ME! ME! MY DAY! =And I want ivory and periwinkle on every table, goddammit. And they better all be the same! If not, I'll call Oeming and he can do my tables. With those funny little bald men.
-Nina Miller, 2007 also wanted to call this column "Meow Mix","Pussy Power", "I Don't Like Spandex" and "Reh, reh, reh, reh ahhhh."
The remainder of the weeks comics live underneath this review. Clicking on that link is the definition of lazy.
hey i love factual opinion and this is a great article. you should have called it "i dont like spandex" though. anyways nice work!
Posted by: anonymous | 2007.11.30 at 11:11