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So... it's a good thing I missed Northlanders coming out? Did I dodge a bullet there?

And is it the current consensus that I'm a dick because I used to really like Jeph Loeb? Witching Hour and Long Halloween were great books. What the hell happened?

Also, did you read Kabuki? That was REALLY good.

Northlanders isn't much of a bullet, but it's certainly another manila folder in the file cabinet of Why Not Just Publish This All At Once box--it's not a story that's well served by the pamphlet nation. Hell, i'm still a fan of Long Halloween. I got turned on to Loeb's Challengers book last year, and i dig it too--but Superman/Batman, Wolverine, Ultimate Power, Ultimates 3--Loeb's recent work is god awful. (I also understand he's somewhat responsible for some of that show Heroes that I know you don't care for.) Maybe it was Tim Sale all along?

Oh, and i'd stopped keeping up with Kabuki--the schedule Mack's on seems so elastic that i figured i'd just make it a trade read. I like his stuff better in the collected format anyway.

Well weeks like this are the reason I never pick up anything in trade - so there's always something. And occassionally it's something great.

Also I finally got to read the first eight books worth of 100 Bullets this weekend. Everyone was completely right.

I love you.

(although the Northlanders review is unfair -- you nailed it in the comments, but not in the post itself)

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