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RE: Green Latern & Zombies

They had newly-made Marvel Pogs in a Target I've been to in the past year. I remember them! And I remember thinking, as I do now, that making new Pogs is a stupid way to try and make some cash.

I suppose (or hope) that any non-Boom Studios zombie comics in the coming years will start to look as stupid and desperate for cash as new Pogs.

yo pussy, whats up. Hope you had a nice pussy xmas in pussy land (actually, thats sounds good.) okay...

I don't know anyone who reads or ever read Loveless. Seems obvious some titles are being put out to put money in the pocket of a favored writer.

Thought the Boys 13 was fun, nice to have the plot actually move forward. Didn't you complain at some point that it was moving too slow as a title? Maybe that was someone with taste.

Oppoisite view on Wolvie 60. Enjoyed it, thought the cover was awful.

Nightwing, right on.

You're being way too tough on Ghost Rider. Stop beating it like ur balls.

That's it, fuck you, peace out.

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