The Field
From Here We Go Sublime
Ambiance is an adjective, meaning "the special atmosphere of mood created by a particular environment." While most ambient music struggles to live up to such a definition, From Here We Go Sublime takes it and runs...far through outer what seems to be a "techno" style. I say "seems" because Sublime is never quite what it seems to be. Each song begins with a simple, almost boring, three second loop that is slowly and surely picked at, rubbed into something else, distorted, faded into the background or completely thrown away for something new--or old. It's an album that creates an illusion of infinite depth, constantly careening and tumbling in and out of itself, yet always resting perfectly in the middle of everything. Despite it's techno/ambient label, The Field has created a truly human record...and it's one of the most enticing originals of the year.
-Andre Harris, 2008