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I haven't read an issue of Hellblazer since 1994, and I'm only pointing that out because goddamn has that comic been around for a long time. It's like the only currently published comic that's been around since before the '90's that isn't one of the ten or fifteen most prominent superhero properties ever. When I was a kid DC had a number of war and supernatural comics with really high numbering, like Sgt. Rock and House of Mystery, and Hellblazer is the only current book I can think of that fits that really long-lived non-superhero bill.

Anyway, good post, and congratulations on the nuptials.


I'm so happy that TFO is contractually binding you. I am a bit perplexed--what do you mean you won't be reading comic books on your honeymoon? I already prepared and sent your editor a substantial reading list. Has that yet to be passed on? Please check with your superiors.

Well Hellblazer has been around awhile, though I have prefered the old Jamie Delano days way back in the beginning.

Powers rocks. The guy who had powers (and may still have them, or got intergalactic ones a la Green Lantern) is immortal, as are most of the highly powered...erm...powers. but a good book it is. Well crafted I'd say.

The Annual worked pretty well if you've been following the series for a few years (since the Forever storyline at least), but without prior knowledge, it probably doesn't make much sense. But if you read the collections and then reread this, you'll probably like it. So, yes, go read a few hundred pages of comics in order to understand this one. Ain't this industry grand?

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