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Great concept for an article to bring in your Dad's band. Now if you could have snuck some Koots in there. . . I really do like Koots. Not what I'm normally attracted too, but like what they seem most interested in, their lyrics capture me and draw me into a story. The simplicity, on a certain level, frees up the lyrics to engage me where a lot of other bands add a lot of other components that cause the music to fade into the background for me. I can't study while listening to Koots, because they steal the show, but most of the other music I own recedes.

I am surprised at how open they were to the music. I definitely feel that rap is a dense form and needs training to be listened to. We lucked out by being born in an era where we couldn't (and can't) help but be subjected to it. I can also understand what happens when you kind of "check out" from the present of pop culture. Either you've re-prioritized or you've been jaded. You retreat into what you know. I think the fact that they are making music again has put them back in the ring, no matter how they might want to fight it. It's a good lesson; You can always get back in the fight.

Great interview, my illustrious nephew. You captured those three perfectly. I always liked the "headphone" tests. Great way to hear what influences the artists and to show them new things. And you got my curiosity going about a couple things. Very entertaining. Now, spank me, Jesus.

As far as pop-rap goes, I'm starting to feel like any year without a Kanye West produced album is a weak year. On the other hand, I can't agree with the assessment this has been a weak year for commercial rap. Lil Wayne put out an amazingly fun album. Sure, he's all marketing, but just try not singing along to "Lollipop" or "A Milli." The Roots came through with their second best album after Things Fall Apart (it's almost a shame they set the bar so high with that one...). And Nas's Untitled is the most focused and socially poignant commercial rap album ever. It totally delivers upon every promise his potential made on Illmatic.

This was a highly enjoyable read and a lot of their character came through their words. Marlin Brown really has an admirable perspective for a Koot.

I have to agree with Clovis' comment above, in that I was dying for a Koots sample at the end!

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