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Oi! No Economist this week?

No, unfortunately. In the interest of meeting some paying deadlines, the Economist didn't get read until this last weekend. This weeks is on track though. I wasn't sure if I should put up a "sorry to be a slacker this week" notice or not.

It was a great issue though, definitely the best cover of the year. All about Russia v. Georgia.

ha ha

i love tales to thrizzle

Just got back home from a 5 hour flight, and thought that it was interesting that 2 people in the 3 rows ahead of me were both reading Watchmen. Take that, Captain America. I was going to say hello and show them my comics (mostly 100 Bullets), but I didn't want to freak them out. All in all, I think that it is safe to say that our 4 rows worth of people took the nerd-cake for the plane (although I think that I saw some dude in a Doctor Who t-shirt in the third row).

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