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I don't think Obama's world tour was about the numbers...at least not the short term ones. Obama's playing the long game, seeing the whole board, like he did in the primary. The cred and goodwill built up during the world tour will be there for him to call on later, when he's doing other things specifically for the short term numbers.

While I think that's totally possible, I have a hard time imagining Obama doing anything that isn't a calculated decision to focus on immediate goals--his campaign has been a non-stop force of intelligent politiking so far. One of the main differences that he picked up on with this election season, that went ignored by other failed candidates, was not to jack all his faith in long-term campaigning. Hilary, Thompson, Giuliani--they're all the loser examples of what happened to presidential candidates who thought they could win the nomination by focusing on the long game. Obama ended up beating them because he had a focused battle plan and didn't ignore the immediacy of the numbers, of the individual state by state trek. (Oh, and the fact that he can outspeak any politician alive right now.) For me, I can't imagine a guy this calculated and intelligent to have done anything that didn't have some kind of immediate, direct reward for his candidacy. He knows full well that the polls are still splitting things right down the middle between him and McCain, and I doubt he would have taken so much time off to dabble in international hobnobbing if he didn't think it would've broken that number in his favor.

And while, yeah, he'll be able to call upon that goodwill down the line--it's not like he wasn't going to be able to do that anyway. He's been triumphed as the risen Christ by the rest of the world since he put Hilary to bed. Which is fine, I guess, since McCain's response is to ride on a fucking golf cart with George Bush's dad, which made him look like he and a buddy were escaping from an old folks home.

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