The Mindless Ones, a group of cats and kittens who have taken on comics by storm, only to find that there's too little meat on the bone, and have found contentment playing king of the hill (prison rules) need to know if you killed Jason Todd. The plate. Step up to it.
The Berlatsky joins the Comixology squad, otherwise known as the place that makes the space come up in your face. A Pundit In Every Panopticon.
Comixology is sending Factual Opinion's comic correspondent to The Baltimore Comic Convention, featuring the Harvey Awards, this weekend. We'll make sure to link to some of the work here, or you can just keep an eye on the Comixology site for his "reporting," which The Factual has on good authority is something he has no experience with whatsoever.
If it's not clear enough, the Factual Opinion of the internet is the same as the Factual Opinion of basically everything: 99.5% of what you can find on the farking tubes is utter shite, fit only to stem the cries of a nattering infant. But sleazing your way through pictures of Lindsay Lohan's Jaa Jaa is all worth it when you end up finding, and being utterly consumed, by Yahtzee Croshaw. Here's a gallery of his current work, and the Factual's agreed upon personal favorite: The Mailbag Showdown.
If you're attending the upcoming SPX convention then you should stop by and check out friend of the Factual Jog, who will be tearing apart your rectal cavity at the Critics Roundtable. He'll be accompanied by Gary Groth, Tim Hodler and Rob Clough. If you get there late and don't know their names, Jog looks like Harry Potter, Tim Hodler looks like TV chef Gordon Ramsay on steroids, Gary Groth has the appearance of a broken Optimus Prime, and Rob Clough looks like the future, which is also where he looks to.
And this is the last time that Tucker is willing to acknowledge the subject, and future emails about it will be ignored: yes, he is the same Tucker Stone in this, this & this. Thanks, none of your business, and no, he won't give you Christina Ricci's phone number. Word of advice: google people you don't know all you want, but don't email them and expect them to think you're anything more then a freak.
And because Link Roundups are boring without pictures, here's something the Factual was sent without
explanation. We don't know the artist, but they have our deepest respect.
The artist has my respect also.
I just lolgasmed.
Posted by: Zom | 2008.09.25 at 04:14
Nothing like a good dick-but joke to take focus away from someone's actual achievement. I fucking LOVE the internet!
Posted by: Benjamin Myers | 2008.09.25 at 08:18
Is my new crush, Nina, in any of those movies? Because I'm totally not going to watch for you!
I think the dick joke should have been how they killed Jason Todd. Readers could have called to vote on the dick joke they liked best, and through some comic book logic, boom, dead Jason!
Posted by: Kenny | 2008.09.25 at 09:27
Sheeit, I didn't know you were a goddamn movie star! I'll have to watch at least one of those movies and yell at my wife while pointing at the screen, "I sort of know that guy!" At least, that's what I did when Tom the Dog was on 1 vs. 100.
Posted by: Matthew J. Brady | 2008.09.25 at 17:01
If you really feel you must, which I don't necessarily recommend, then just watch Queen. Wait for the whiny punk kid to show up and help beat up another kid, and then watch as the that same kid calls Halle Berry the "n-word" and get his face slapped off. Then turn it off.
Posted by: Tucker Stone | 2008.09.25 at 17:16
This blog has got the touch, man. I'm down for life. But nothing is going to get me to watch any of those movies.
Posted by: hugh stewart | 2008.09.25 at 18:16
Oh, I was thinking Quiet City. Is that not worth the effort?
Posted by: Matthew J. Brady | 2008.09.25 at 23:26