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I haven't given GZA another try since i tried Beneath the Surface - although, if he's back to Liquid Swords form, I may have to remedy that?

I also must admit the new Roots just seemed murky to me. Maybe I need to put it back in rotation.

The only GZA album that holds up for me post Swords was Grandmasters--Beneath The Surface was just torturous stuff, and listening to Legend of Liquid Swords reminded me of what it would sound like if somebody released an album composed solely of the 1-minute preview tracks they have on Amazon. That being said, Marty's list was the first place I heard about Pro Tools, so I'm in the dark as well. And yeah, I'd give the Roots another shot--it's been a thinker piece for me. Hopefully you'll find something to enjoy before the Jimmy Fallon show starts and everybody throws away their Roots albums and pretends they all died.

Great list, lots of good recommends here.

Thanks for turning me on to the new GZA album, by the way -- it's maybe not Liquid Swords good, but my first three listens say it's closer than he's been in ages. '0% Finance' = fuck me, now that's how you do intensity without ever breaking a sweat!

Lots of other albums here I haven't listened to yet. Lets see if we can do something to change that...

The El-P mixtape felt kind of samey and throwawy to me. Maybe it's time to give it another listen.


I'm interested to see what you think of the GZA album. I think he's so rediculously on point, but the album's gotten slammed a bit by critical consensus.

I can see how The Roots album might be a little murky--in a better year for rap, it might not have placed as high--but I think that they're chasing after their own sound, and they hit some pretty fantastic peaks.


The first time I heard O% Finance I was like "No way can he keep this up for an entire song." And then he did.


Same as The Roots album, in a better year El-P might not have been as high, but I think WeAreAll... is a pretty great distillation of the things he does well. There's some clutter there, but there's also plenty of great material.

Wheres Nas and atmosphere theyve got substance also immortal technique

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