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How'd the Pharoahe Monch remix of The Healer/Hip-hop strike you?

shit, i didn't even catch that one. Marty? marty! Goddammit, Marty, we better have a good excuse for this one.

I'd bet it's supposed to be where that fucking Busta Rhymes song goes. My complaint is that my pipe organ song isn't higher on the countdown. I mean, Pipe Organ. PIPE ORGAN

Alakazam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvCizD-GyUM

I'm definitely going to go through the list in detail later on (dodging work at the moment), but it's a solid remix to an already good track.

Monch's verse is pretty great, but the remix mix doesn't really mix much, does it? I do like the part where he goes "tick tick tick tick" and the song fades out.

"Don't Touch Me" is fucking bonkers, dude. Why you mad at Busta?

Do you remember when David Byrne turned an entire building into a musical intrument? http://www.davidbyrne.com/art/art_projects/playing_the_building/


Damn good call on the second best song of the year. I'm still repping Jack Johnson's "Angel" for it's simple elegance, but hey, I fell in love again this year, so maybe I'm all gushy or something.

Why are you guys not showing Charles Hamilton any love? Or the Mark Ronson & Rhymefest Michael Jackson mixtape? But especially Charles Hamilton..."baby sonic" was about the best statement song possible from a 90s kid who grew up on Juicy. (Straight jack on the sample, reinterpretation of growing up as a fantasy, etc.)

BTW - I'm enjoying the Hell out of this music retrospective. I've been holding back on commenting and trying not to swamp poor Marty with "why is this on there and that isn't???" e-mails! lol

Really enjoyed going through this song-by-song today (and there's plenty more for tomorrow!) Awesome!

Kenny-you might want to start soon. In my experience, you can only stay in love with a list and willing to fight it out as long as you can't see what's around the corner. I'm betting a certain reader is just chomping at the bit to find out whether a certain Jason Mraz album is going to show up.

Wait, so you're not going to have Mraz on this list? This is bullshit!

Aside from that, love all of it except for Atmosphere. Even Busta, who has done everything in his power to make me hate him - especially with the "I won't even discuss my weird religious positions or my hatred of gays and I don't rap about the apocalypse anymore" thing.

And "Strange Overtones"! I heard that on the radio one day and could swear to crap it was a classic Talking Heads record I'd just never heard. I can't believe he's still got it in him.

Sean-I got a chance to go to the New York premiere of that last Wes Anderson flick, and the place was wall-to-wall celebs, paparazzi (because of Owen's suicide attempt), just non-stop starfucking and nonsense...and here comes David Byrne, wearing this hand-tailored white suit with sequins. Fucking sequins. And yet it was, no bullshit, no exaggeration, one of those "hush falls over the crowd" moment. Hell yeah he's still got it. He'll still have it when he's dead and buried. Guy is a force of nature.

Tucker, are you comparing Jack Johnson to Jason Marz? That's cold....

I fell in love with a girl and the song "Angel" makes me think of her because I heard a *really* bad cover one night and it still suited her perfectly.

I'll keep talking past this list's expectancy because I'll beat a horse until he's dead, buried, resurrected as a zombie, and buried again. You can never be too careful when zombie horses are in the game because they can always make a play. (How's that for a mixed metaphor!)

Kenny, I proposed to Nina while listening to Method Man/Mary J Blige do "all that I need." I'm the last person to give somebody static for liking something sentimental. I couldn't be more lame unless I was wearing a Star Trek outfit. Don't worry though-the Mraz question will be answered soon enough.

Look you. Enough with the Mraz bashing! I'll say it loud and I'll say it proud: I LIKE JASON MRAZ. A LOT.

He's got a great voice. He's actually a former Muscial Theatre dude who went to AMDA (probably while Paul was there) and has a really well trained voice, that inspires me to sing better, and that is not something to be mocked, you. You! ANd his latest album has a really different vibe than his first, including some Jamiroquai sounding stuff. And YES, I LIKE JAMIROQUAI.

I mean, can't you find anything, anyone else to use as your barometer of lameness?!?! I think you've used him in a joke, like 14,000 times in three weeks since the day that I confessed to you how much I liked his new album.
I think you're just trying to hurt me.
(picture my very sad face right now. You know the one...)
Sad. Face.

How do you say Mraz? Muraz? Murz?

Wow, considering that I usually agree with your music taste around 50% of the time, I was surprised that only one track on here, Teenager's Homecoming, appeared on my list...last year (not that I'm trying to be all "oh, I was there first, na-na-na-na-na", it just got a lot of play on 120 Minutes UK last year).
Did you hear the Evil Nine album, btw? In particular El-P's vocal on All The Cash?

You know, I had a hard time finding music I was really enthusiastic about this year--I really had to work for it. (And in the end I'm really excited about what I discovered.) But I also find myself getting more excited about other end-of-year wrap-ups than I have the last couple of years, because there's such a lack of critical consensus. Sure, Fleet Foxes and TV on the Radio are showing up all over the place, but once you get past the six or seven albums that everyone's agreeing on, there's a whole wealth of music out there--a lot of it that one person probably had to work really hard to discover.

Also, I haven't heard the Evil Nine joint, but it's going on my to do list (along with Mark Ronson & Rhymefest, Kenny.)

Martin, the song Diya Milan does not exist. Piya Milan does. It's by Talvin Singh and came on the Wire Tapper CD.

I'm from India, btw and while "Diya Milan" means "lamp meet", Piya Milan means "lovers' meet", which makes sense. :-)

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