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A friend of mine has a word for those subway conversations with creeps, though it applies to any conversation with a creep, really-- "infinite conversations."

You don't start or encourage these on purpose, but once they're started, the initiator will keep going, despite one word answers, lack of attention, or even "Hey, this is my stop."

I've gotten into a few of those with a Mr. Dreadlocks ("Hey man how about Obama yeah yes we can!" "Uh, yeah") and I hate them every single time.

Switchback was a fun comic, at any rate. It was good enough that I didn't even realize how much of a cliche the evil fat sheriff was. The art kept pulling me into the story.

The Juan Doe story was just muddy and dumb. If Wolverine's claws are so razor sharp he can cut through metal, why can't he cut through rock? Dumb.

As someone who often initiates "infinite conversations", I apologize. The thing is, I have very specific interests. And it's not every day that I get to talk about them, so any perceived opportunity is A Big Deal. My inclination would be to milk it for all it's worth, because who knows when the next such opportunity will be. In my eagerness to talk, it's easy for me to not notice the signs that the other party isn't interested until the "conversation" has been going on for a while. It's an Asperger's Syndrome thing.

The way to get me to shut up (and I'll bet it'd work on other Asperger's ramblers) is to directly tell me "I'm not interested in hearing about this.". It might take a little insisting, but eventually he'll stop talking and won't be offended. (That is, unless he really never has any human contact, in which case he'll be so desperate that you'll need a chisel to get him off.) But that's the right way to deal with it.

Oh, and I forgot to say: You might think that's rude, and that little indications and implications are forceful enough. You'd be wrong on both counts. A person so desparate to talk about something that he goes on and on and on isn't going to notice anything until it's shoved in his face.

I think the show you might be asking about was American Gothic. It had a creepy Devil sheriff who pushed people down stairs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Gothic_(TV_series)

I know Nina can tell the story better than I remember hearing it, but my understanding was that Sergeant Dreadlocks wasn't interested in talking about Watchmen, but was more interested in having some irie time with a girl who was reading Watchmen. The way she told it to me was pretty much "hey, Watchmen. And a vagina, together! c'mere."

I remember that show. Gary Cole and the "whadda you mean, drifting?" guy.

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