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Bummer about the truncated coverage, but I can forgive you, since you have a good reason. I just wanted to ask: what's up with that cover? It looks like a close-up of a King Tut statue, going all googly-eyed. I don't understand.

That cover is somewhat niftier than the 'generation kill' version we got in the UK.
That estimate of the credit crunch costing 50 million jobs actually doesn't sound THAT bad if, (big IF, of course) it proves to be true. When you consider the world population isn't far short of 7 billion. That's well under one percent of the world's poplulation...

That's presumably a Buddha eye. Or at least it's in the same style as a Buddha eye bookmark I have.

The cover--actually, I was kind of fascinated by it. It's a Buddha eye, yes, but it's a Buddha eye that's been adjusted to express concern--which is something I doubt you could get away with if you did it with just about any other major religious figure. If the cover was about the American economy, and it was a pic of Jesus looking upset/freaked out? Or if it was about the Mideast and you had the prophet doing the same? There's a potential that a future issue of the magazine might have some letters complaining, obviously I'm keeping an eye out for it.

And Tam--yes, you're absolutely right. At the same time...it does sort of depend on who the 50 million are. In the case of the bonuses getting cut down, that loss of tax revenue can create a sort of downward spiral type problem, where budget cutbacks force city/state employees out of their jobs. (I'm thinking of Alabama a few years back, and how tax shortfalls forced major cutbacks in education and law enforcement, which led to crime increase, both immediate and in the future.) If 50 million Starbucks employees lose their job, obviously that has less of a global impact. But if the 50 million results in global or national shortfalls, all while most major governments are committing to such massive bailout and stimulus programs, that's the sort of thing that can take this recession thing into something that slogs along for decades.

As always though--I'm operating off pure opinion here, based off a couple of brief sentences. I'm sure there is a reason why the Economist hasn't written a longer article about the exact thing I'm mentioning, and I'd wager it's because they don't think there's enough information to make that assumption. You can be guaranteed that if it's something I'm thinking of, and it's not referenced by article...that means it's probably not very accurate, or it's just not time to look at it yet. But yeah--I had the same reaction. 50 million sounds ugly, but it doesn't make up a huge global number.

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