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This looks like another one to seek out. Man, I love the coloring in those images. Especially the bright oranges and the purple on the Yeti. Wow. Of course, I still need to finish reading Tezuka's Buddha, but at least that's finally within my grasp...

Yeah, this would have been up earlier but I had to figure out what the problem was with the scanning of images that happened with those Son of the Gun and Horde scans.

Thankfully, it seems to be resolved before we get much further, I'd hate to join the choir of fools who jack up Humanoids coloring.

And Matt? I think you're really going to enjoy this one. Hopefully it's still haunting the used circuit.

Best one yet, Tucker! I'm not too knowledgeable of the Buddha story (yep, Tezuka's version is on the reading pile...), but you had some interesting insights on the similarities (on purpose, I'm sure. Jodo knows his religion!).

Have to reread it some of these days. In french this time.

Hunter (Pedro Bouça)

Thanks Hunter! There's some really interesting stuff going on with Jodorowsky's treatment of religion in this one--Jog had mentioned his love of Bunuel's irreverence, and while that definitely peaks its head around in Technopriests Catholic Church by way of computer games, I actually enjoyed the way he tweaked around with the mythology of Tibetan cosmology more. Maybe it's just a personal attraction he has to the faith itself, maybe he just likes the mythologies, but there's a decent amount of love directed at the Eastern worldview here, and it really gives the characters depth. What's interesting even more (to me) is how much White Lama's arc of Gabriel's development matches up with Albino's in Technopriests, but without a general direction for Albino to go in--and possibly because Albino's familial relationship is so screwed up--how the two men end up in such diametrically opposite positions. But they both make tulkas, they both struggle to "cleanse" the temple, they both end up incorporating their spiritual ancestors--and one goes for fascist benevolence by way of brainwashing and power, whereas the other goes for sacrifice in the spirit of survival. If I knew more about Catholicism, I wonder if there could be a comment found in there from Jodo on East/West differences, but hey: my dad always said sunday was for football, and I'm all for agreeing with him.

There is a fundamental difference between Albino and Gabriel. Albino is USED to create his own (virtual, game) "worlds", so to him the notion of "tweaking" things so that they fit his vision is absolutely normal. Be them lines of game programming code or the minds of his followers. They are just bugs to be fixed. He is going to advance his followers spiritually, darn it! Whether they want it or not!

To Gabriel it has to come from the inside, like it came for him.

Probably it means that Albino's quest is doomed to fail. He can stomp every single "external" threat he meets, but doesn't seem to be that efficient with "internal" issues. Of course, we would have to read the rest of the Technos series to find out...

Hunter (Pedro Bouça)

Ah, but let's not ignore that Gabriel is more than willing to skip the whole "redeem the killers" thing that he does with his parents murderer when it comes time to clear the temple. There, he just plays some trickery and leaves a charnel house of blood behind him.

I really wonder about your comments concerning the inaccuracies concerning tibetan buddhism. i've been a nyingma practitioner for twenty years, and what jodorowsky depicts is loosely modeled on the milarepa story, with roughly the same "fantastical" elements. Also, it has to be understood that especially the vajrayana has its wrathful and a-moral side. It's a fairly close depiction of tibetan tales of magic and murder and pretty close to the source. (stories about milarepa, yeshe tsogyal, machig labdron and other saints)

I'd bet your more on the money about it than I am. My understanding of Tibetan Buddhism stems from practice-focused texts, and I'll admit to only passing familiarity with the magic/murder tales. I've read some more on it since this post--there was an email that touched upon the same issue you raise--and I'm more inclined now to say that jodorowsky had those fantastic elements more in view than the "this is how you sit, this is how you pray, these are some rules" type of attitude I used in this review.

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