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Nicely done. It's good to see a review of this that focuses on the writing rather than the art. Not that the art doesn't deserve praise, but it seems to have almost completely overshadowed what actually happens in the comic. Me, I didn't even read the damn thing, but I flipped through it in the store, so I know what it looks like. Now I know a little bit about what happens too!

Also, I like the discussion of positive vs. negative reviews. Myself, I find it easier, and probably more interesting, to talk about what I like in a comic, and why I liked it, but I totally understand the appeal of negativity. Sometimes I read something that I disliked enough to really go negative, but that seems rare. But yeah, it's good to stretch and try to convey something that you have trouble putting into words. That's what's so great about this blogging thing, isn't it?

What did you think of the Question back-up?

Nicely done, as always, Nina.

I too enjoyed the discussion of positive v negative reviews. I'm finding I enjoy the positive ones a bit more nowadays. I think because I feel capable of finding flaws on my own, but I enjoy being shown new ways to look at things.

Great line there, Kenny. You summed up what I've been thinking a lot about in two simple sentences. I'm jealous. (See? I couldn't even say that in less than three sentences. Make that five. Now six. Sev- Eight.)

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