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I LOVE the Zero Effect. Especially the opening sequence introducing Pullman's character.

I don't remember much about Zero Effect; I should probably watch it again. Strangely, the bit that sticks in my mind is the part where Pullman was deep in thought and he takes off his jacket and whips it inside out in one motion. That was cool.

Also, wow, I didn't expect the Japanese Game Show write-up to go up today; I wrote it while watching the show last night. Tucker is quick on the button.

Zero Effect gets better every time I've seen it, although I think I hated it when it first came out.

Boxing Helena is an underrated gem -

oh wait, no, it's bad. But I saw it recently and it's still marvelously goofy.

True Blood is a hoot. I think the Desert Storm Vet/cook, "Terry," is my favorite character right now. that cat is riot.

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