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From what I understand the previous stories of these characters that were in the Dark Horse "Book of.." series are also online for free now...

I saw this in the store and was tempted to pick it up. I think this will make me go back for it when I go in this week.

Hey, what's the one comic she's kept up with? Powers? Just wondering.

Oh yeah, BoB (as we cool people like to abbreviate it) was pretty awesome. That Jill Thompson is pretty fucking amazing on the art, and you're right, the way she gets so much expression out of the animals while still making them look like real dogs and cats rather than cartoons is incredible. And those watercolors! Wow.

By the way, three of the four previous stories are available at Dark Horse's site, but the fourth one (which gets referred to in this issue; something about a werewolf, it seems) isn't. I think they've said it will be included in the eventual collection of this miniseries though, along with all the others. And if this sells well enough, more will be coming, Umbrella Academy style. Buy it, people!

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