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-That is the nicest collection of things anyone will ever say about a Simpsons comic.

-Oh sweet Lord, that Blackest Night Superman is just completely fucking disgusting.

-The last line of that Conan review made me chuckle.

-I've always thought Millar's writing was more intelligent than people give him credit for, but it's also possible that I'm a doofus.

*From the second note, I meant the cover, not the comic. That is like a concave boner distilled into sad.

How the hell has that Wolverine comic been out a week and I haven't seen ONE comics blogger ask why it has a goatse cover?

"Oh Shit Dude, What If Venom Was A Dinosaur Pass Me The Bong I Just Shit Brain Gold"

Iz good.

The way Millar continually fails to follow through on anything beyond the most obvious 'woah, KEWL!' moments that litter his comics is one of the main reasons I stopped reading his self-aggrandizing, turbo-hack horsehit a long time ago.

Well placed Youtube clip!

Geez, Lurk, you're totally spot on. Didn't even catch that.



What, you don't like Tim Truman? Shit, son...

It's odd... whenever DC makes a fucking gross-out cover does Marvel respond in kind? Also, where's the Hulk's ring? Or whatever the fuck that green thing on that Wolverine cover is.

I didn't read the first issue of Millar/McNiven's Wolverine run, but was there any explanation as to why the Hulk had become a hillbilly? In this issue, he said that he ended up hooking up with She-Hulk, because she was the only one who could handle his giant green man-meat, but fucking your cousin does not automatically make you a trailer-park-livin', hootenanny-dancin', moonshine-drinkin' redneck. Come on, he's a brainiac super-genius and she's a big-city lawyer; did their collective IQs drop precipitously as soon as their bodily fluids intermingled? As usual for Millar, he probably thought it was a funny joke, and didn't bother to think about it too much. And also as usual, I obviously put way too much thought into it.

Re: New Avengers - I hope Bendis doesn't think the "We can't operate on a guy with super-hard skin" idea is new or anything; hasn't it been done with Superman a ton of times? Eh, it's not a bad idea for a plot though, but have you seen December's solicits? He still hasn't had the damn surgery by then! What's the holdup, doctors? Don't they have special magical scalpels for that sort of thing?

That's for sure, Matthew. For example, in the past, some Jews used to marry their (distant) relatives, no doubt owing to the diaspora and our traditional reluctance to hook up with people of different faiths. I guess they all moved to the Appalachians.

Also, Tucker? Thanks for your review of Treehouse of Horror. I went and got it, and it's hilarious in a way that no other Simpsons comic I've ever read is. I appreciate your thoughts on the potential power of working in a shared universe and what a shame it is that so many less-than-talented creators use it as a crutch instead of a launching pad.

Hey, remember that Garth Ennis Treehouse of Horror story that was like any other Simpsons comic, with none of his distinct voice? That was a shame.

Matthew-- Radiation makes you southern. Though he lives in California, which has a different kind of redneck than Georgia or the rest of the south, but hey hey hey! Wouldn't it be awesome if the Hulk was a redneck? And Wolverine was Clint Eastwood? And Mark Millar bit like six different movies and comics to craft the ending to an ultimately pretty and worthless story?

I've got this great idea for a Spider-Man story-- it's Kids meets Die Hard meets Spider-Man 2 meets Superman. Interested? You've got the email.

David - I'm intrigued. Who's Peter? Is he Telly or Casper?

Oh boy! I honestly can't wait to read that Wolverine comic when it comes out as a big, fat book. I know I should be embarrassed by this enthusiasm, but I'm really not.

I also can't wait to read the Simpsons comic, because those Halloween comics are always worth a look, but I can't find that mofo anywhere.

I laughed a lot during the Millar Wolverine story, but I certainly won't defend it. Once the Spider-Buggy showed up, I thought it was obvious he was just tossing stuff out there for the cheap laughs, but who knows, maybe he took it all seriously?

Anyway, I can't wait until I can get to a comic store again so I can buy that Simpsons comic. This is totally dropping the ball on my part. I've been excitedly waiting for it to come out ever since it was announced,

They had Superman operate on Power Girl with his heat vision in Justice League Europe once. It was back when Wally West was a lothario, so it included some moment where they scolded him about watching the operation, since he was doing it just to catch a peek at her, you know, lady parts.

In defence of James Robinson may I just say that he is English and over here we English often have dinner first thing in the morning. Nothing sets you up for a hard day tilling The Queen's fields like roast turkey with all the trimmings at six am. I'm lying of course; there is no defence for James Robinson.

Did Millar ever explain why John Byrne was driving Wolverine around? That's my best and only joke. Sorry.

That Simpson's review was fantastic. Truly.

I've never read Starman, and I've always heard it was a masterpiece. Robinson's current output is so bad, however, that I just can't believe it's that good. Is it really as good as people say?

Yes, it is, Jacob. Leave it to Chance is good as well. The Golden Age is good too. It's like "What if All-Star Squadron wasn't about answering continuity questions nobody asked?" Some people swear by his WildCATs work (I think it followed on the heels of Alan Moore's) but I haven't read it.

I think the thing is that DC are basically giving Robinson money to put his name on a committee written product. It would be the same no matter who wrote it. I can't blame him for taking the check, but I don't understand the mindset behind having your name run through the muck like that.

The other good James Robinson comics were some Legends Of The Dark Knight arcs. The one drawn by Tim Sale and the one drawn by... Paul Johnson? The guy who did the Dane Macgowan issues of the first volume of The Invisibles.

Also I know Abhay Khosla liked Firearm, with art by Cully Hamner.

It's not the craziest thought that someone good in the 90's would fall off and continue to find work based on good will earned, when the comics industry no longer functions in a way that allows them to do what they do best. This applies to pretty much every good comics writer of the nineties to one degree or another.

Yeah, writers, like musicians, can fall the fuck off.

Or they can get better and better like a ripe fucking cheese. I'm looking at you Frank The Tank.

I personally feel you were a bit too harsh on Superman: Secret Origin, but the New Avengers review was funny enough to make up for it

Man, I've got to get to the second volume of Starman, because I read the first one, and while I can understand why people like it, it's pretty goddamn far from the work of genius it's regularly hailed as. Sure, it was ahead of its time, and Robinson was doing some decent plotting and shit, but he was so fucking enamored with the quirks of his dialogue that he would fill issues with internal monologue captions about collectibles or long speeches about random bits of pop culture in between the gratuitous violence. Robinson was definitely the precursor for Geoff Johns, maybe with some Mark Millar faux-coolness thrown in. I was going to review that first volume story by story to point out what I did and didn't like about it, and why it bugged me so much, but I gave up after the first issue. I still keep hearing people rave about it though, so maybe I need to go back and finish the thing once and for all.

The thing is, it's not like the book is terrible, it's just so fucking overrated. But if you were reading it at the time, in the midst of the crap-laden 90s, it must have seemed like the promised land or something, so I can understand its reputation. Still, you gotta look at it with some distance, and realize that plenty of better work has come out since. At least, I hope you do; I know comics fans can be plenty fucking set in their opinions.

Or maybe it really goes through the roof after that first volume, and starts to deserve its reputation. In which case, I'll eat my nonexistent hat.

Alright, that's it right?

Last one out, turn off the Youtube.

Matt, you are 100% right (in my opinion). At the time, Robinson's Starman was like - holy cow, this is awesome - but it does *not* hold up well for all the reasons you mentioned. I was going to write something saying everything you said, but I decided against it because I didn't want to stir stuff up. But yeah, Starman is a book of its time.

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