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"Marmoset there'd be days like this" was great, I agree.

Brandon Graham's girlfriend, Marian Churchland, wrote and drew a book called Beast that should be out any week now. It's not like King City, but it's a very good kinda melancholy tale, like Beauty & the Beast turned sideways.

Very talented couple. Both are Purchase on Sight for me.

Graham has a comic that doesn't involve large, phallic objects (some of which are actual phalluses) getting shoved up butts?'


A comic book that enjoys being a comic book. Fuck yeah, that's what I like. Comics! They're awesome!

Also, I think we could come up with plenty of black and white comics that you've enjoyed, like Nana or Jobnik or PS Comics (I think that one's B&W, right?). Don't be a hater!

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