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I haven't read this fancy new Deathlok yet, but I will assume it's exactly the same as Epic's "Stalkers" even when given evidence to the contrary. Because "Stalkers" gives us shit like this: http://tinyurl.com/ybfnrqd

So, yeah, Deathlok is great!

Okay, i'm buying that. That's a by-the-bedside comic, for sure.

This whole article, comments section included, reads like one big visit to the Bad Idea Emporium.

How was the Great Ten book, though? I expect McDaniel's art to be bad, but was it at least somewhat redeemed by Bedard's writing?

"Yeah, why is dude all angry looking when he says that?"

Because Jon Voight was yelling in the pic that Google Image Search turned up for the artist to trace, of course. He could've found a more suitable one, I'm sure, but that takes time, man, and time is money. And money is drugs and alcohol.

Mostly, it just seems like the job Bedard has is one that would be hard for anybody. Great Ten is being set in a mix of real world China & the DC version of China, and it's trying to be critical of the country while focusing on a bunch of characters who are flag waving types. Where's it supposed to go? Are they all going to become capitalists by the end, and hang out with Superman? Or are they just going to split down the middle, with some of them bailing out for Taiwan--which seems possible, considering how heavily Bedard's amping the importance of Taipei. But how do you tell either of those stories when you're also stuck doing ten origin issues? It's completely screwed from the outset, although I'd bet the August General In Iron issue has potential--he has the best name, he's got the most personality, and he seems to like being on the team the most. It's also Really Serious comics, which doesn't really mesh with McDaniel's art-hell, it pretty much opens with Tibetan monks getting slaughtered, and yet everything Scott draws looks...you know, fun, cartoon-y. He's a weird choice, considering the tone that the book has.

Huh. I used to have that issue of "Stalkers". Weird. Also, I think Tony Bedard is going to be like Fabian Niecza for DC. The generally competent guy they can hand one of these pointless rack-fillers to...



I still remember the first issue of Stalkers really well. I remember it because I was totally taken off guard by the story. (Hey, I was like 10). It seemed like a mean thing to publish a comic like that, rack it with the kiddie books, and have a picture of Spider-man where a "Suggested for Mature Readers" label should have been.

Tucker - have you read Bart Simpson Comics #50 yet? I *really* enjoyed that book last week....

You scan images of Yelling Jon Voight and knitting needles, but no desiccated Vampirella tits? I'm disappointed. Maybe I can go look for the equivalent at that Kinkos.

I didn't buy any comics on your review list, but I'm still keeping up with The Warlord! And now Mike Grell is illustrating it! It's like BEING in 1977 all over again with new stories. Comic books are awesome.

Deadpool stories are designed around in-jokes - the character's whole shtick is that everything he says is an in-joke (in his head, that is). It works for me, sometimes. The first arc of the 2nd Deadpool series - where DP has to find his alternate universe zombie head in the Savage Land while fighting dinosaurs and caveman and zombie dinosaurs and this one lady scientist who just can't keep from showing her cleavage every other page - was awesome, because, well, all the elements I just enumerated. It's so shamelessly pandering that it's genuinely fun - like, this is stuff people will enjoy, so let's make it actually enjoyable and not all mopey and self-conscious. But I wonder how far the joke will stretch over three monthly titles.

And has there ever been any explanation given for why the hell Doom is working with the Red Skull? You know, considering that 1) the Skull and Doom spent the better part of the 1970s trying to kill each other and 2) Doom strongly identifies with his gypsy heritage, and as a member of the Nazi high command the Skull was responsible for sending hundreds of thousands - millions? - of gypsies to death camps. This is a serious question - I haven't read all of Brubaker's Captain snnnnnoooozzzzzeeee.

Dennis Hopper was also one of the first people - like AT ALL - to recognize the importance of Andy Warhol. He was one of literally two people to buy some of the Campbell's Soup Cans (at $1000 per) before Warhol bought them back to keep them in sets.

I'm trying to say that I enjoyed this week's reviews, Mr. Stone. You are a talented young fella.

Brubaker's Captain America was pretty decent comics right up until the Fat Alan Moore Hypno bloke just upped and went "Right, that's me off then. I'll not bother explaining meself, alright? Alright."
After that it was a load of wheel spinning roof top running and dumb plapf like a hard as Siberian ice assassin crying over all the birthday cakes he missed while under Ruski control.
Reborn is so boring I can't even remember Das Skull getting his body back. Was it last issue? Why don't I care? Also if you're going to homage Steranko you might want to try for more than just reminding people how much better Steranko's senseless beauty was than today's sensible banality.
To say this the worst thing he's ever (supposed to have) experienced Captain America looks like he's got nothing more unsettling than a bad case of wind throughout.
It's boring that's what I'm saying. And expensive.
That Deathlok comic was #### as well. And expensive.
I enjoyed Paul Grist's new comic though. Nice.

I was sooooo tempted to buy the new Grist comic because Grist's work is sooo amazing, but I'm limiting myself to only buying his work in collections. I know I'll read it over and over again, so why buy it in floppy format too, you know?

And yeah, right on about Captain America. I really enjoyed the Winter Soldier story, but things slowed down once Bucky took over, and then I lost interest.

True or untrue, when coach Bud Kilmer tells you to get your gear and head towards the other teams oil reserves you do it?

Tim, I'm probably going to check out Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth's first arc based solely off the fact that Victor Gischler is writing it. His arc of Punisher MAX was probably the only enjoyable post-Ennis run, and while I can't recall any of the actual plot of the one novel of his I read, it started with a hitman killing a target by filling a Boston Cream donut with blasting caps.

Really, filling a pastry with explosives is enough to make me follow what a guy writes for at least 5 years afterwards.

Jim: i ran into a spot of trouble finding new Warlord lately, but i'm glad to know it's still rocking your world. What you see in new Warlord, I believe I see in Deathlok: it is called joy, and its flavor varies.

That new Grist thing? Really? It's pretty as hell, but didn't seem to make a lot of sense. Some soldier likes to fight barefoot homeless people, and lady's like necklaces? But it was pretty. Pretty goes a long way sometimes.

K: yeah, I read that Sergio does Simpsons. I didn't feel it, but I'm one of those "only care about Homer" people.

John K: It's funny, because my favorite Brubaker Cap was that early Steve issue where he's all lonely and sad, hanging out in his shitty gym in DUMBO, sticking his hand back and forth through holographic walls--but yeah, at some point it got as angsty as a Matthew Murdock's Girlfriends Keep Dying comic. I haven't cried since Bo Jackson retired, so maybe I just can't relate.

Pontoon: Dennis Hopper is one of those litmus test kinda guys, he's the pothead Warren Oates. You either dig on Hopper & Oates, bad movies and all, or you drink buckets of wheatgrass and read horoscopes. Life is never as complex as "the media" would have you believe.

Tim: That's a good question (about Doom), and one I don't know if anybody else is asking. I've read the Cap series pretty steadily, don't think it's ever come up. I never finished Brubaker's Doom mini though, so maybe it's in there?

Deadpool--i'm a little of him goes a long way type of reader, and while I agree with Dave that the only enjoyable non-Ennis Pmax run was Gischler's, I found that Bong Dazo art to be completely off-putting. Not my thing, but hey, my only thing last week was Deathlok. I'm not really on top of life these days.

My goodness, I miss Bo Jackson. In both sports.

I forced myself to re-read Reborn to see if there was an explanation for the Romany Rascal hanging out with the mass murdering one. And, lo, there is: "I told Normy I'd help you." Brilliant. You know why no one has noticed this? Because they are stunned by boredom.

Okay, so the Grist comic was probably the physical definition of "slight" in paper and staple form but whose flavour varies? Joy's. A wise man told me.

Kenny, I buy Grist in comics form so that Paul Grist can afford to eat and thus produce more comics for me. Always remember - Stray Bullets.

I'm more of a Peter Cushing man myself, but, yeah, Warren Oates rocked. I'm glad we have filmed evidence that men like that once existed. I liked that thing Hopper did with the gunpowder. And he was okay in Land of The Dead.

I give in. Where did the couch go?

John, I totally get where you're coming from. For me, I don't like to spend money on floppies. If it means comics I really like don't stay alive enough to get collected - oh well. Sure, it makes me a bad guy, in a sense, but I can live with it.

I also miss Bo Jackson a lot.

I'm compiling a list of things I need to write about when I get back from hiatus and close to the top of that list is talking about how awesome Bong Dazo is. Seriously, he's become one my new favorites.

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