Editor's Note: I know when I've been outvoted.
Happy Holidays, friends. How's it going? Hectic? Yeah, me too. It's an end-of-the year wrap on EVERYTHING. I'm suddenly finding myself drowning in obligations. And I'm telling you this because, well, my intention was to date four new comic books this week. But due to real life, I was only able to give two books my full attention. (And one is actually sort of a second date. But hey, it's my own game. I can make and break the rules as I please.)
I imagine, though, that people who are actually out there in the full swing of dating probably have run into a similar situation this time of year. There's just not as much time for dates. And I also imagine that this is when Speed Dating comes in handy, yes? I've never tried speed dating in real life, so I went online and found some pointers on the questions one should ask while speed dating. And this seemed appropriate to use for my situation this week. So....away we go!
1. Where are you from?
A place where George Orwell and Alfred Hitchcock meet for lunch.
2. Do you follow politics? Do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat or affiliated with another party?
Nah. I'm a little outside the Law. Technically, I'm beyond it.
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Oh yes. Or um, lust. Lust at first site.
4. If you had three wishes, what would they be in order of importance?
To wipe evil from the world.
To be loved by children and adults.
To have my own Saturday Morning cartoon series!
5. What is your most treasured possession and why?
My Ouija Board. If you have to ask, then you just don't get me.
6. What is your favorite season of the year and why?
Spring! All those smells and blooming flower beds to pee on!
7. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Um, yeah. Did you even read this issue?
8. What is the last book you read?
Reading ain't really my bag.
9. What is the one thing you would most like me to know about you?
There's nothing else like me out there.
10. What are you looking for in a relationship?
Someone who will jump in with both feet and enjoy the ride! A person with a sense of adventure who's ready to see where it all goes.
11. When was your last relationship and how long did it last?
I'm not really into the past.12. What do you think is the most important value in a relationship?
13. If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
A pet psychologist??
14. What is your favorite type of music and who is your favorite musician/band?
I have two divergent loves: any kind of bluegrass, and everything by Elvis Presley.
15. If you could have lunch with any person, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
The Great Dog!!
16. Do you like animals/or have pets?
Is that a serious question?
17. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Chase my tail. Sniff things. Run. Play frisbee. Sleep.
18. Have you ever been married?
The government won't let me. It's a big thing.
19. Are you religious?
Not by your definition. But, yes, I believe in the Great Dog.
20. What kind of work do you do?
Very unusual stuff. I'm an investigator. Of the metaphysical.
The Date:
I read and enjoyed Beasts of Burden 1, and I was interested in #2. There's a lot of stuff that I really liked about this comic, it strikes me as something that's truly original. But...so much happens in one issue. Problem, crisis, solution, it's all packed in. The build up was awesome, and then suddenly so many things started happening that I figured things were setting the scene for many issues to come. Instead, it all got wrapped up. Really quickly.
I respect this comic for mixing cuteness and evil. It's the best juxtaposition ever. (It's the best use of the word juxtaposition ever, too). But there are moments - like when the dogs actually kill. Kill a boy. That's intense! And then it just all ties up real quickly in the end, and I find myself wishing it had played it out a little longer. (I know, this is comics, what am I saying? An issue put too much story in an issue? I'm sure I'm contradicting something I've said before.)
So what am I saying? I'm saying I enjoyed it and I think it's totally swell. But at times it was a little too much for me. I'll have to let you know whether there will be another date or not. I want to see if I find myself wondering about the series later in the week, the way I have been about Cinderella, The Sword or Fables.
1. Where are you from?
The land of indie films.
2. Do you follow politics? Do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat or affiliated with another party?
Not really. I'm conservative or liberal or what have you. I'm still too caught up in my family-of-origin crap to be able to care about my community or country or world.
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I'm hoping you do.
4. If you had three wishes, what would they be in order of importance?
That this series has a long run.
That it gets made into a TV Show.
That I finally get the approval of my parents.
5. What is your most treasured possession and why?
My DVD collection of quiet indie films with kitschy dialogue.
6. What is your favorite season of the year and why?
Fall. For the ennui of it.
7. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Oh....maybe. But I'd rather have a great first run. Then there's no need for a second try.
8. What is the last book you read?
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. It was my 121st time.
9. What is the one thing you would most like me to know about you?
That I am clever. And that the next issue will be good. So come back. please.
10. What are you looking for in a relationship?
I want you to be dedicated and committed. Although, I will change on a weekly basis.
11. When was your last relationship and how long did it last?
My last relationship? I guess you could say it's still going....what, are you some kind of prude?12. What do you think is the most important value in a relationship?
Wait, I thought I saw someone I know.
Never mind, you go on.
13. If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
Being an author. Of a book. Or a TV show/film writer!
14. What is your favorite type of music and who is your favorite musician/band?
Indie rock. I'll always love Elliot Smith. But my current favorite is Jack Johnson.
15. If you could have lunch with any person, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
Shakespeare. Why wouldn't I want to have lunch with him? Who else is there? Seriously, who would you have lunch with?
16. Do you like animals/or have pets?
I like animals. I have a dog. I like to pretend he's just a dog version of me. Like, as if he thinks just like me. Okay, I don't pretend that's true. I believe it's true.
17. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Think. Reminisce. Fall into despair and self-pity over the bigness of Life and the truth about how totally out of control we all actually are.
18. Have you ever been married?
19. Are you religious?
I'm a very spiritual person. Not religious.
20. What kind of work do you do?
I'm a writer. How have you not figured that out yet?
The Date:
As you can probably tell, I get the feeling that this book thinks it's very clever. And I'm annoyed by it. I really wanted to like it, but it seemed like one of those books that wants to be a film. It's a story board, really. I feel like the frames were used cinematically to highlight dialogue, and not dialogue that is full of interesting ideas...but dialogue that is cute and clever. There's a series of frames used where the main character talks to his dog and tells him to guard the house -- quietly. And the dog does a "take" to the audience/camera. It made me a little bit weary. It doesn't leave any room for me and my imagination. I felt like somebody was spoon feeding me a story, and they couldn't stop themselves from explaining every detail while they did it.
The art is cool, and it was able to capture that quietness and a whole lot of really great detail in clothing and facial expressions that enlivened the character. But on the whole? I'm not sure where this is going. I was going to hold off judgment about how it seems like the wrong form for this story, because I figured it's the first issue. And maybe they were setting the stage for the whole series. But no. It's just one story. There's no "to be continued," and there was no set-up for the next issue or a cliff hanger ending. The guy died. End story. I'm perplexed.
But will I read the next issue?
Nah. I'm just not interested. It's a clear case of disinterest.
So that's the romance for this week. Kind of boring, but I didn't plan for that to happen. Next week there will be a fuller docket of dates. Will they be second dates? First dates? I'm not saying......just check back next Monday!
Happy Chanukah!
-Nina Stone, 2009
Ha, I LOVE the Daytripper review! Brilliant!
Posted by: plok | 2009.12.16 at 02:38
I haven't read Daytripper yet, but I was excited to because I love the work by the brothers who did this series. Now, I'm not as enthusiastic to read it.
Great review, and I look forward to seeing where this new format goes!
Posted by: Kenny Cather | 2009.12.16 at 11:36
Oh, I'm totally gonna read it, actually.
Posted by: plok | 2009.12.16 at 12:58
Kenny don't let your enthusiasm be tempered by a "Speed Dating" review... I wouldn't date the book but I did find it to be a sublime read ;)
In fairness to Nina, I do like the review format. Much better than stars or thumbs.
Posted by: Brian Tutton | 2009.12.16 at 21:16
Wow. It's really cool. But I am thinking did you asked these many questions?? I mean it's looks like an interview rather then date.
Posted by: Student speed dating | 2010.01.02 at 05:22