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I remember seeing "When myy kid went Punk" or whatever it's called on ABC afterschool. I think he played a violin.

Excellent stuff!

But who the hell is TOF?

Finally got around to reading this, this is great stuff. Best piece of art criticism I've read this year, I'd say... although I really don't keep up with Film Quarterly any more, but they were never particularly hilarious anyhow.

I don't know if you guys are reading "Spider-Man: Fever," but if not, you are missing some amazing artwork. It KNOWS it's crazy, which I suppose distinguishes it from what you're talking about here (Road Warrior excepted,) but there's one page in issue 2 that burns my head every bit as much as "The Sun" by Edward Munch... which is a really lot.

didn't adam hughes break his drawing hand or something like that?

anyways, awesome funny conversation. i agree with a ton of it.

Still haven't read the whole thing yet, but what I've gotten to is thoroughly entertaining and thoughtful. Kudos guys.

"But who the hell is TOF?"

The Opinion Factual.

Also: http://www.acronymfinder.com/TOF.html

"Dr. Fate is floating in the air at a little girl's funeral. Who fucking does that? That really struck me as rude."

I think it's because he's so far in the back. Especially with the helmet, it's probably really hard to see. He doesn't want to miss the action, so he floats a little bit. It seems like a reasonable decision. Supes would do the same if he were a second string property and had to stay all the way in the back like that.

"there's nothing in life that I can learn about myself or humanity from a super-hero comic. "

I don't know; I felt like I learned things from Watchmen, from Animal Man, from that weird Spider-Man comic with the Bruce Lee rip off which talked about pacifism, probably from other stuff too. For whatever that's worth.

" from that weird Spider-Man comic with the Bruce Lee rip off which talked about pacifism, "

Marvel Team-Up # 144?


A bit late to rejoin the party, but I just red Rise 2, and since Roy's stump was infected when cut... That yellow stuff is probably supposed to be pus.


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