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Anytime I see a Scandanavian named Anders I want to punch them. I blame the webcomic "Anders Loves Maria" whose protaganist I still want to beat with a stick. A lot. Stupid, jerk-face Anders...

You'll like Girls. It's awesome. I really enjoyed that one.

I liked Girls a lot too, but - and I know that Some Guy Will Disapprove - I really thought it fizzled at the end. Where "The Sword" went out with an exclamation point, "Girls" goes out with an ellipsis. I look forward to your review, anyhow.

"Ultra" is strong competition for "The Sword" as the ne plus ultra of Luna Brothers oeuvre, their apotheosis (so happy to see David Uzumeri bust THAT word outta fart jail!)

So go call your husband a dick-ass for not getting "Ultra" instead, or pick some sort of fight wherein you obsess over the minutiae of every ill chosen word he released until he is worn and can only hide in computer land. THAT, then, is the setting of "Girls."

Hah, bet y'all thought I was ONLY being an asshole there! Cheers!

"Ultra"? Really? I mean it was a nice enough bit of super-hero fluff, but not much else...

Naw, you're wrong.

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