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The best thing about Stylo is that reportedly, Womack was just signing whatever. And it works brilliantly anyway!

Anybody got any guesses at the top ten?

I really wanted that "Justin Bieber" El-P mix of "Baby" to make an appearance so that I could call some names, but so far, the good folks at TFO have showed some inspired aversion to that song. It's like Girl Talk, except you take out the songs people like and replace it with Justin Bieber and Wings and swear words. What more could you ask for in a song to get good and pissed off about?

That Das Racist song loses me a little after the "Fuck Carlos Mencia" line, but it's fun enough.

We'll have to wait for the top 10 for name calling, I guess...


I don't know if it's an accurate guess or not, but I'd be pretty hyped if Gold Panda's "Snow and Taxis" made it on.

I always feel like the musical ignoramus around these parts, but I'm kinda annoyed about the multiples here. Two Robyn tracks? Two Das Racists? That's lame, and I bet it knocked out some deserving stuff, although not necessarily any of the stuff I nominated, since it's probably not cool enough for this crowd. I did manage to rescue Airplanes 2 from being excluded though, so I'm happy about that; it was near the top of my list.

Oh, and there's too much electronic stuff too. That whole genre does almost nothing for me. Did I mention I'm not cool enough to swing with these guys?

Thank you for recommending "Desire Lines." I'd not heard that before. Listened to your youtube link, bought it -- and cranked it up for a dozen plays today. Great tune.

I agree with Brady about artists showing up multiple times, even though I had multiples on my own list. I did it because I'm selfish, I want the artists I like to show up on the list and I don't like voting for songs I only kinda like. So while I agree it may not be ideal I don't actually care because I love Robyn and Das Racist. And fuck Carlos Mencia, Josh. Fuck him.

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