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Man, yeah. This is good, a nice POV that I don't (can't?) have. I'm horrifically biased when it comes to OutKast, Goodie MOb, and the Dungeon in general. It's in my DNA, and I've been listening to these guys too long to be able to be anything even remotely impartial. This is one of my top records this year, even with Follow Us.

And you're right--turn this thing up and it's extremely listenable. The way the first few go hard and then smooth set you up for the banging middle section of the album from Follow Us to Hustle Blood... I like it a whole lot.

This was my most-played album for 2010, by far!

Nice take on an album that I love but which refused to announce its importance like a lot of the other big albums of the year.

I mean, there are bits that scream with purpose (BE STILL!), but at other points... well, it feels like it was made according to a very specific philosophy: "if it sounds good, say it!"

Like you said though, I played this shit out. Sometimes that's more than enough.

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