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I think the jobs part is because these big Marvel events need to feel socially and politically relevant, so they include topics like recessions to balance out the amazing images of Odin yelling at the Watcher or getting punched in the face by his son.

This issue (even though i did like it enough to stay with it) is a PERFECT example of why a superhero comic shouldn't try to be socially relevant. "Recession" in this comic is basically a hug flashing reminder that "TONY STARK/REED RICHARDS/DR. STRANGE/ETC ARE INCREDIBLY BAD AT DOING THINGS CUZ IF THEY WEREN'T WE'D HAVE NO STORIES NO MORE".

I think Nina put her finger on the big problem: why the hell is anyone worrying about rebuilding Asgard on earth if Odin is back? Restoring Asgard after a horrendous battle is totally one of those things he can do - he's done it at least three distinct times in the last couple decades. If I were him, I'd be pissed too - "well, dad, we're going to be squatting in a tent for 18 months because my bros totally need some construction work, even though you could fix it all in a day . . ."

Fuck, why doesn't Odin just end the recession while he's at it? "Bingo, snapped my fingers, I have now ended the Class War. Enjoy your anarcho-socialist utopia, mortals!"

"Now that I've heard the actual story, I can confirm: it would be so much better my way."

It really would have.

Now I really want to see Nina's take on Casanova, given the author and the route the second volume takes.

Apologies in advance for the length of this multi-part comment -

Regarding some of the points made in the review and the comments about Odin, this is what I got out of issue 1: when Odin decided to leave Earth, the Asgardians immediately packed up and left without any dissent (aside from Thor, of course). Odin is the ultimate example of paternalism; as the All-Father, he has a whole society of children (an idea that his people accept), and their rights and responsibilities within the society befit that relationship. It seems like they do pretty well with this (maybe because Odin usually acts in their best interests?), but Odin has proven himself to be a very inflexible leader and father. So what if it would be faster to magically recreate the city? Iron Man, in his usual opportunistic way, is trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The city will be rebuilt, and the American economy will benefit from the new jobs. He has the support of his BFF, Thor, but this is a decision being made for the Asgardians by someone other than Odin. Naturally, Odin flips out about this. The fact that it is his biological son challenging him just makes it harder to accept. (There's an Oedipal angle here, that may be supported by the phallic imagery of the god-hammers, but that's for someone else to sort out).

Actually, this is all Odin's fault. Back in the day, Thor was truly Odin's equal in one area: self-importance. As a punishment (or subconsciously, out of guilt about his own failures as a father?), Odin sends Thor away, under the pretext that he will learn humility on Earth. Subsequently, Thor develops a much richer and more nuanced perspective than would ever have occurred had he always remained in Asgard, and this brings us back to the current series. Thor is stepping into a leadership role, and his experiences give him the opportunity to surpass his father in this capacity. That (more so than The Serpent) is Odin's greatest fear, one that he cannot face, so he runs away.

As for why the Avengers don't just ask Odin to wave away the recession or any other problem? Doing that means giving up all your power to someone else. Iron Man, as much as any of these central characters, knows how well things can turn out when there is an over-concentration of power (the Illuminati).

Incidentally, I have been seeing some critics pick on the idea that Fear Itself does not have a very clear premise, so here is my attempt to tie together what I have seen so far: When the prime motivation of our society is fear, the strongest among us will become the tools of our oppression. That is admittedly a little too abstract and/or political to sell the book, but it sort of ties the social relevance material to the major antagonists (it looks like the hammer-wielding Worthy will mostly consist of powerhouses like the Hulk and Juggernaut). I enjoyed this first issue, and I am hopeful that this event will exceed the overall quality of previous Marvel events.

Good call on the cover. That design is hideous and obviously primed for the Thor flick. "This event will take place entirely inside a hairy tattoo from the Opeth show"

Jim there is trolling and then there is trying to hard

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