Over at the Comics Reporter, TFO's own Tucker Stone participated in Tom Spurgeon's Holiday Interview series. That's a lot of names, so here's the skinny: it's Tom's website, he interviewed Tucker about the year in mainstream comics. It turned out okay.
The first three interviews in Tom's series are as follows: Art Speigelman, a round-table with the keepers of the Sparkplug flame, and Peter Birkemore. The most recent one is with Ethan Rilly. Rilly is the guy responsible for Pope Hats #2, which is so far beyond Pope Hats #1 that, if the trend continues, you'll soon be buying a comic that will make you a sandwich and violate your enemies. Peter Birkemore is responsible for hiring Chris Butcher and running the Beguiling. Sparkplug is an interesting comics publisher with a solid track record. Art Spiegelman is probably a fun dude.
Over at comiXology, Tucker posted his top twenty comics of 2011. The list:
20. Godland #34
19. "Dit Dit Dit Dah Dah Dah Dah Dit Dit"
18. Orc Stain #6
17. Daredevil #3
16. 20th Century Boys
15. Hellberta
14. Spaceman
13. The Land Unknown
12. Uncanny X-Force
11. Lose #3
10. Color Engineering
9. Comics Drawn by Marcos Martin
8. Gangsta Rap Posse #2
7. Thickness #2
6. Weird Schmeird #2
5. Congress of the Animals
4. Prison Pit 3
3. Hellboy The Fury
2. Ganges #4
1. Love and Rockets New Stories 4
The list is, of course, absolutely correct. Actual blurbs and some favorite images from each of the comics are in the article. Also in the article: a picture of your mother, stark naked. She sent it in herself!
TFO's best albums of the year will appear after the holidays, along with a few other items of note.
Yeah, I bet spiegelman is a fucking blast. I'd rather go back to prison.
Can't we just talk to Seth about Twitter and call it a day?
Posted by: Mateo | 2011.12.23 at 21:35
Pope Hats #2 hit reeeealy close to home over here, oh boy... the whole bit with the one attorney laying on her desk,, ha ha... I liked that comic.
Posted by: Jog | 2011.12.24 at 00:18
I have a small question about one thing in the CR interview (that was fantastic), the news I have read says that DC extended the return window to April of next year, yet you mention December?
Just trying to clarify because I find that entire thing of DC buying back their comics that don't sell fascinating.
Posted by: Rick | 2011.12.24 at 11:49
Rick, they did extend that, I just didn't know about it at the time I was responding to that question. Next year is gonna be weird.
Posted by: tucker stone | 2011.12.30 at 00:39