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"When you're a kid and you want to hold a boner longer, they tell you to do that exercise where you drape a wet washrag on your shaft and flex it up and down,"

Man, who the hell is the They in this statement?

The Buzzy Bee joke made me laugh pretty hard, so I'm hoping Ewing isn't on the John Smith/Robbie Morrison road to none of his NA work coming within a mile of his better 2kAD stuff... that Dredd story in the Annual last month was nice.

In other news, it remains a Federal fucking crime than none of Matsumoto's vintage space opera comics are out in English, and those really fun Smith comics just kind of rub it in...

The thing about Justice League is that it reads just like one of those comics that comes with an action figure or some kind of sandwich. But not both. Or neither.

Lone Wolf and Cub. Not worth going blind for but what else is there to do.

I read the First And Dark Horse versions of Lone Wolf 20 years apart. I know that the DH version is closer to proper size (right? the original size was manga proportions?), but I remember really enjoying those perfect bound editions.

The DH edition though was easy to sneak into the office bathroom, making that the only shitty thing about the series.

Did you not read Argones Funnies this week, Tucker. That and Savage Dragon are the only singles I get. Both are good.

I can't read either of those comics. I find them exhausting.

I read the Funnies over 3 days. Reading a couple of pages, making myself some tea or pasta or whatever. It lends itself really well to doing that.

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