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Obvs. the Weeknd is going to put in an appearance here, but I will be so beyond pleased if Yamantaka//Sonic Titan's debut shows up also. I'll also cross my fingers for XV's "Zero Heroes" mixtape and "Hello Sadness" by Los Campesinos!

I thought Wild Flag was reasonably fun but kinda boring(Ice Brigade can be described in roughly the same way actually), and Yuck...I like their first album a lot but a really good song I've heard a million times before is still a song I've heard a million times before, you know? I don't really know that their whole "savior of indie rock" status is really earned from doing one basic thing in a really solid and engaging way.

That Main Attrakionz album is also teetering on "dislike" for me just because they perpetually sound like they're being dragged to church even when they're happy about something. Nice to see Grails on here, that was a neat surprise.

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