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Great review (and fantastic title).

I forget how much of a barrier the Marvel/DC universes are to non-readers, even if its not relevant to the story. Even if the reader doesn't need to know anything for a particular tale, the act of figuring that out is probably enough to take one out of the story.

I wonder if you'd have been more interested if this didn't feature characters from the Marvel Universe. Maybe not. I suspect that one has to be primed for this by a lifetime of reading similar stories (hard boiled stories about tough men doing tough things while smoking cigars and chugging whiskey).

I think this series was inadvertently ruined for me by Tucker's comparison to Ellroy's Underworld USA trilogy last week - made me realize how flat a lot of the characters in Fury are. Give me the continuing adventures of Pete Bondurant or Dwight Holly any day.


Thanks, J!
Yeah, I think its definitely a comic book for comic book readers, much in the same way that some great Jazz music can only be appreciated by other Jazz musicians. Not a bad thing - just, perhaps, over my head....?

yep! Good!


Don't feel bad about not liking FURY - I don't like FURY, and I know Tucker thinks less of me for that admission. Great art, though.


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