In this unusually themed episode, Joe McCulloch, Matt Seneca and Tucker Stone recap their experiences at the 2012 Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival, which the three of them had attended earlier that day. As they had little opportunity to recap their purchases--they had not read them, obviously--the discussion focuses on interpersonal concerns and general convention related topics. Excelsior? They thought so.
This week, Joe explained reality.
This week, Tucker watched Abhay make the greatest Hagrid comparison ever.
This week, Chris proved that there is a way to make a catalog interesting.
This week, Matt delivered drug dealing, Americana.
For the record, Olivier Schrauwen is, like, three years older than me.
Posted by: Jog | 2012.11.20 at 19:35
I've still never met Olivier in person, so I was bummed to miss BCGF. But it's almost better just having Jill's memory of him.
Posted by: Eric Reynolds | 2012.11.20 at 23:11