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This was an especially funny episode gentleman.

Billy Connelly is Scottish. I'll tell you that before Mel Gibson chops of your head with a claymore.

Is it wrong that I was really hoping Sean would assign Tucker to watch Pink Floyd: The Wall as his homework? (I was also one of the teenagers in a Floyd shirt, so I love the film and always have, but I can totally understand how it could drive some people crazy...)

So my friend caught this after we both saw Star Trek. The bigger badder ship that looks the same as the Enterprise is named the USS Vengeance.

Long time listener, first time caller.

Great episode, gentlemen. I particularly loved the discussion at the end of movies explaining things and what bullshit that is. For me, discussions like this always make me think of Highlander (they're immortal and can only die when you slice off their head with a sword - hell, yeah!) and Highlander II (they're aliens ....... What! The! F#$%!)

Thanks for the podcast. It always entertains.


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