Due to technical difficulties of the most annoying and tragic, the world may never hear what was most certainly the greatest conversation between four men regarding the merits of Marshal Law, a series of comics written by Pat Mills and drawn by Kevin O'Neill. All anger, derision and complaints should rest on the shoulders of Mr. Stone, who, quite honestly, is the walking personification of a Dilbert cartoon posted in a suicidal cubicle.
(Our tone is jovial, but our apology is real. Comic Books Are Burning In Hell will soon return.)
I know your pain. Many an un-pressed or mistakenly-pressed button has cast a podcast out into the unlistenable ether. Better luck next time.
Kev O'Neill 4eva!
Posted by: Jon Burr | 2013.06.07 at 18:37
there was one part where i say uwe boll would be the guy i'd want to see directing marshal law the movie, that was my most substantive contribution. ps, i love uwe boll and i loved his movies before i knew anyone disliked him even a little bit.
Posted by: Matt Seneca | 2013.06.09 at 00:27