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Oblivion is based on a French or Belgian Band Dessine. I think it might be from the 70's. It explains why the tech looks like iphones. Jog might know more about it.

No, it isn't. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1698906/tom-cruise-oblivion-trailer.jhtml

I can't read much of that article because of the advert but I get the idea.

Sean, I'm sure of seen this comic. I'll try to get to my LCS and get some photos of it. Hell I might even buy the fucker.

Course I could be wrong.

My mistake guys. Mixed it up with Orbital.

Orbital, Oblivion, they sound alike, kinda, ok, fuck, sorry.

Antonioni is my favorite director, not because I'm particularly abstruse and arty but because his movies remind me of my dreams. Lots of disaffected wandering around in arid but lovely landscapes. And Monica Vitti reminds me of my wife, so that helps with the early stuff. The post-Vitti era wears a little thin...

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