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What is the superhero comic you guys are talking about at the tail end of the show (at the 1 hour 9 minute mark)? The title went by so quickly I can't figure it out. Good show, although I think Julio's Day is ultimately a greater work than Marble Season (although it's a close race).

Copra, dewd!

Woah, so I've been listening to the podcasts on this blog for a year now. It's weird to say, but you guys really got me through some genuinely depressing and lonely times. Merry Christmas.

Thank you, that means a lot to me.

Thanks for all the recommendations! I've not heard of many of the comics you praise, so I'll hunt a few down. I listen all year. Usually while making dinner or teaching my dog tricks. Tonight I listened while making pie dough. Tomorrow, I make pie.

Whoa. Gotta check out Seneca's top ten; good amount of comics I haven't heard before.

That Epoxy man, killer fucking comic!

Good episode! Gold Pollen and Other Stories is such a beautiful and well-curated collection, I couldn't agree more with your praise of it. And I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Epoxy.

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