On this somewhat unusual episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, Chris, Joe & Tucker discuss the graphic novel Slaine, written by Pat Mills and illustrated by Simon Bisley, published as a stand alone volume by 2000AD. After that, Chris takes his leave and Joe & Tucker have a long talk about movies they've recently, the passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman, and comic book criticism.
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Forgive me, but I think Alex Ross is objectively kind of a bad painter. Look at Dr. Strange, Thor and the Hulk.
Posted by: Jonlost_log | 2014.02.14 at 12:06
It's totally pronounced 'Slain'. That was the intent, and it's not like these characters are speaking any language anybody alive today would recognise anyway.
Posted by: Bob Temuka | 2014.02.16 at 16:14
It's pronounced Slon-yeh, as a recent article in the Megazine stated. Basically, Irish pronunciation bares no relation to its spelling.
Posted by: Andy Smart | 2014.02.17 at 06:17