After the break, there's a new episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell! It's HATEFUL, just like your mother!
On this episode, Tucker explains the connections between Chuck Dixon's Wall Street Journal piece, how right wing lunatic slimebuckets are the same as people who think giving the Dark Knight anything less than 100% on Rotten Tomatoes is tantamount to treason, to something something YA novels and gun control and NRA and you know, nobody cares about your FEELINGS dude, nobody wants to hear about your FEELINGS anymore, let's just talk about BARNABY and his magic conman fairy godfather.
Need a direct download? No problem: iTunes or the show's rss feed have you covered.
This is my favorite episode since whenever the last time Tucker went totally apeshit ragemonster on something.
Posted by: Jason Michelitch | 2014.06.14 at 01:00
This was my favourite of any podcast on the internet of all time.
Posted by: Murdoch | 2014.06.14 at 16:56
Tucker I love and hate you right now for the same thing. When you sung that song from Labyrinth it jogged something in my head of you doing it on your video show for Comixology, I love you for doing it (intentional or not) and I hate you and mostly myself for the fact that I still remember that.
Posted by: Rick Vance | 2014.06.15 at 06:57
I enjoyed that Joe said "I don't have any children" in the same tone the Chris Mautner has when discussing Garth Ennis.
Posted by: R. Watkins | 2014.06.15 at 13:38
Can Tucker just have a minute of hate spinoff-cast where he rages about shit like an internet age Andy Roomey, only with 75% less complaining about how old and shriveled his penis is now and how they had to eat dirt during the Great Depression and losing his shoes, or whatever the fuck Andy Rooney talked about?
Also Tim O'Neil had the best response to the YA thing:
Posted by: Cleofis | 2014.06.17 at 10:46
You helped me while I drew a little happy elf today. Two thumbs up!
Now on to the fucking Captcha...
Posted by: Tim Hamilton | 2014.06.17 at 11:52
I've never read Barnaby and had even forgotten about its existence up to now. What you guys discuss about repetition/endless serialization turning a comedy into a tragedy was pretty dang interesting. I really want to read this comic now.
The Tucker rant was amazing too, and near to my heart.
Great episode, kudos to all involved.
Posted by: DLS | 2014.06.19 at 03:31