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Sea shells by the sea shorepheus.

Holy crap, you guys HAVE to watch Brotherhood. Seriously one of my favorite shows ever. It's got Kevin Chapman from Person of Interest as Jason Isaacs's boss, and he's kind of a scary dude in there. It's largely based on the Bulger brothers (Whitey Bulger's brother was actually a prominent politician), but verrrrry loosely. Definitely check it out.

I had some dream that I needed to talk with guys about Snowpiercer and how cool it was that Chris Evans plays a hero who had to eat babies to get to where he is, and the other hero is addicted to a future version of Crack. But you didn't talk about that movies here.

I'm sure you did talk about that movie at some point, but I don't remember...

I plan to see Inherent Vice on X-mas day though, and plan to hear you talk about that movie more in more detail.

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