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Thank you guys - I started listening in 2012 and have heard all 99, some several times. Looking forward to new episodes really helped push me through a difficult stretch last winter- I am grateful for that and can't wait to hear #100.

So... no thanks to Person of Interest? Don't you know that Person of Interest is the only reason I listen to you clowns?!

Seriously though, this was great. I'm looking forward to watching many of these. You are my own little canaries in a mine shaft.

I may need to listen again, but I never heard Tucker discuss Fury. I thought the dinner scene was great amongst a lot of other great moments. Looking forward to another 100 great, entertaining conversations.

Great show guys. Congratulations on hitting 100 episodes!

The movie IDA (the b&w one with the nun that you mention at the end that you both haven't seen) was absolutely the best film I saw in a theater last year. Unbelievably it has a number of things in common with your top film THE ROVER. Just on the face of it they are both road trips in bleak landscapes with a middle age person and a young person but they also share a surprising number of themes. Both films are absolutely harrowing journeys in which the protagonists try to find dignity in an indifferent world. THE ROVER has guns and IDA is quiet but both are equally devastating. Highly recommended!

Thanks for giving SO MUCH time and work into this show. You two are princes of men. Like the first poster above said, you also help me a lot by continually being there with work that brightens the day. Whenever a new episode has been posted I get so excited that I have to plan the rest of my day around making a quiet spot to sit and listen to whatever madness/brilliance you've cooked up. I'm sure every die hard fan feels grateful to have been given so much time to sit around and talk movies with you two guys for this long. Thanks!

Yeah, just want to echo the love/support going on here. I started from the very beginning - heard 'em all, love 'em all. Congrats on 100 and keep 'em coming!

Also: really want to know what Tucker thinks of Goodbye To Language.

A Salty Salute to you all. Here's to 100 episodes and BEYOND. BICKLICKERZ 4-EVR!

Thanks for pointing out some movies I missed.
You caused me to watch every Lars von Trier movie trailer for some reason.


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