After the break, Tucker Stone and Sean Witzke are here with the ONE HUNDREDTH episode of Travis Bickle on the Riviera, the world's only movie podcast. Now available for syndication!
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0:00:00 - 0:22:41 - Shoutouts! We do the thank yous first on anniversary shows, at top of the show. First and foremost: Morgan Jeske, the reigning champion and our hero (top button forever), Nina Stone, Noel Witzke, Katie Witzke, Abhay Khosla, Michel Fiffe, David Brothers, Sloane Leong, Jared Lewis, Joe McCulloch, Chris Mautner, and Matt Seneca of our sister podcast Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, John Keogh, Ian MacEwan, Jeff Lester & Graeme McMillan of the Wait, What podcast, Chuck Forsman, Chris Ready, Marty Brown, Nate Patrin, Jason Michelitch, Marley Zarcone, Brandon Graham, James Stokoe, Sarah Horrocks & Katie Skelly of the Trash Twins podcast, Geoff Lapid, David Wolkin, Chris Ryan, John Carpenter, Johnnie To, Tom Cruise, Brian De Palma, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lucy Liu, Bill Murray, The Punisher, Garth Ennis, Yuri Boyka, John Hyams, Michael Mann, Paul Verhoeven, David Fincher, the SECOND trailer for Quantum of Solace, our patron saint Tony Scott, Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, the little kid from The Omen, Event Horizon, Michael Bay, Mark Wahlberg, The Rock, Paul Thomas Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Our squad runs deep. To everyone who has ever supported or listened to the show, we thank you. We know we forgot people. Especially you, because we suck.
0:22:42 - 2:08:07 - Here is our Best Movies of 2014.
X. Transformers 4: The Bickle Edit, dir. Michael Bay, starring Lockdown.
17. Why Don't You Play in Hell? (English Subtitled), dir. Sion Sono, staring Jun Kunimura, Shinichi Tsutsumi, Fumi Nikaido, and Tomochika.
16. The Raid 2, dir. Gareth Huw Evans, starring Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, and Oka Antara.
15. The Clouds of Sils Maria, dir. Olivier Assayas, starring Juliet Binoche, Kristen Stewart, and Chloe Moretz.
14. Whiplash , dir. Damien Chazelle, starring JK Simmons, Miles Teller, and Paul Reiser.
13. Fury , dir. David Ayer, starring Brad Pitt, Shia Labouf, Michael Pena, Logan Lerman, and Jon Bernthal.
12. '71, dir. Yann Demange, staring Jack O'Connol and Sean Harris.
11. Noah , dir. Darren Aronofsky, starring Russel Crowe, Ray Winstone, Jennifer Conolly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Frank Langella, and Nick Nolte.
10. The Grand Budapest Hotel , dir. Wes Anderson, starring Ralph Fiennes, Tony Revolori, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Saorise Ronan, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, and Harvey Keitel.
09. Gone Girl , dir. David Fincher, starring Tyler Perry, Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neill Patrick Harris, Carrie Coon, Kim Dickens, Patrick Fugit, and Casey Wilson.
08. Nymphomaniac: Volume I & Nymphomaniac: Volume II
, dir. Lars Von Trier, starring Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellen Skarsgard, Stacy Martin, Shia Labouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, and Jamie Bell.
07. Edge of Tomorrow , dir. Doug Liman, staring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, and Brendan Gleeson.
06. Nightcrawler , dir. Dan Gilroy, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Bill Paxton, and Riz Ahmed.
05. The Guest , dir. Adam Wingard, starring Dan Stevens, Maika Monroe, Brendan Meyer, Lance Reddick, Sheila Kelley, Leland Orser, and Ethan Embry.
04. John Wick , dir. Chad Stahelski & David Leitch, staring Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Willem Dafoe, Lance Reddick, Adrienna Palicki, and John Leguizamo.
03. Housebound , dir. Gerard Johnstone, starring Morgana O'Reilly, Rima Te Wiata, Glen-Paul Waru, Cameron Rhodes, and Ryan Lampp.
02. Inherent Vice, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, starring Joaquin Phoenix, Katharine Watterston, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, Hong Chau, Martin Short, Eric Roberts, Joanna Newsom, Michael K Williams, Jena Malone, Reese Witherspoon, and TImothy Simons.
01. The Rover , dir. David Michod, starring Guy Pearce & Robert Pattinson.
Did you have any doubt?
2:08:08 - 2:17:18 - Closing Thoughts. Thanks everybody!
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As a bonus, here are some of our past guest's best of the year lists.
David Brothers' list.
(in chronological order)
The Raid 2
The Double
22 Jump Street
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods
The Drop
The Equalizer
John Wick
Why Don’t You Play In Hell
Jared Lewis' list.
2. The Rover - I saw a review that was like "good except for the part with the song." Historically, it's that same caliber of tragic stupidity that's usually responsible for ruined harvests and knocked-over priceless Ming vases. It is great and the song is great.
3. Listen Up Philip
4. The Guest - Excellent on its own merit but also on principle I respect all things that stick their landing on a joke.
5. Whiplash
6. John Wick
7. Gone Girl
8. Under the Skin - Sarah Horrocks' essay on this is great.
9. Inherent Vice - He found a way to shoot it that really nails the relentlessness of Pynchon (all the dialogue in one shot close ups, the mountains of things the movie is unconcerned with, Joanna Newsom). Also surprised no one's ever thought of that swastika joke before.
10. Nightcrawler
11. Edge of Tomorrow
12. Housebound - This is kind of what I wanted out of Hot Fuzz.
13. Fury
14. The Immigrant - I could never quite agree on first principles with Gordon Willis, but I sure do like Darius Khondji riffing on him.
15. Noah
16. Sabotage
17. The Babadook
18. Grand Budapest Hotel - This was pretty and fun and Wes Anderson is dear to me, but I need characters that are allowed to breathe a little more for his charm to fully land (unhinged Adrien Brody was great though).
19. The Unknown Known
20. The Sheik - During Inherent Vice it occurred to me how much I'd really like to see Eric Roberts play Vince McMahon.
21. The Nut Job - Famous cartoonist KC Green dragged four innocent people to see this, on opening weekend, in 3D. He insisted on paying for all of their tickets, but that didn't help.
Next Week: Joe McCulloch on Indian Film in 2014.
Our outro music this week: "After the Carnage" by Bernard Herrmann from a little movie called Taxi Driver. And our intro, as always, is from Escape From New York. But this time mixed with Pierrot Le Fou, "Layla (Piano Exit)" from Goodfellas, and The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.
You can download episodes directly from itunes and rss. For a quick look at who has been on the show before and what movies have been discussed in each episode, look at our one-page episode guide. You can follow the show on twitter, tumblr, and facebook. If you like this show, check out Tucker's other podcast Comic Books Are Burning In Hell (located at this very website and here) and Trash Twins (located here and here).
Our time on this planet is temporary. Paul Reiser is forever.
Thank you guys - I started listening in 2012 and have heard all 99, some several times. Looking forward to new episodes really helped push me through a difficult stretch last winter- I am grateful for that and can't wait to hear #100.
Posted by: J | 2015.01.14 at 00:17
So... no thanks to Person of Interest? Don't you know that Person of Interest is the only reason I listen to you clowns?!
Seriously though, this was great. I'm looking forward to watching many of these. You are my own little canaries in a mine shaft.
Posted by: JJ | 2015.01.14 at 15:14
I may need to listen again, but I never heard Tucker discuss Fury. I thought the dinner scene was great amongst a lot of other great moments. Looking forward to another 100 great, entertaining conversations.
Posted by: ehas | 2015.01.14 at 16:33
Great show guys. Congratulations on hitting 100 episodes!
The movie IDA (the b&w one with the nun that you mention at the end that you both haven't seen) was absolutely the best film I saw in a theater last year. Unbelievably it has a number of things in common with your top film THE ROVER. Just on the face of it they are both road trips in bleak landscapes with a middle age person and a young person but they also share a surprising number of themes. Both films are absolutely harrowing journeys in which the protagonists try to find dignity in an indifferent world. THE ROVER has guns and IDA is quiet but both are equally devastating. Highly recommended!
Posted by: Art Baxter | 2015.01.15 at 10:32
Thanks for giving SO MUCH time and work into this show. You two are princes of men. Like the first poster above said, you also help me a lot by continually being there with work that brightens the day. Whenever a new episode has been posted I get so excited that I have to plan the rest of my day around making a quiet spot to sit and listen to whatever madness/brilliance you've cooked up. I'm sure every die hard fan feels grateful to have been given so much time to sit around and talk movies with you two guys for this long. Thanks!
Posted by: Ian | 2015.01.16 at 20:47
Yeah, just want to echo the love/support going on here. I started from the very beginning - heard 'em all, love 'em all. Congrats on 100 and keep 'em coming!
Also: really want to know what Tucker thinks of Goodbye To Language.
Posted by: Spencer | 2015.01.18 at 00:58
A Salty Salute to you all. Here's to 100 episodes and BEYOND. BICKLICKERZ 4-EVR!
Posted by: J. Hopkins | 2015.01.21 at 17:33
Thanks for pointing out some movies I missed.
You caused me to watch every Lars von Trier movie trailer for some reason.
Posted by: Tim Hamilton | 2015.01.22 at 18:11