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My path into TFO was the Advanced Common Sense video series from back in (christ) 2009. This site and the galaxy it sits in (the podcasts, 4thletter, Abhay and Joe's writing around the web, COPRA, and so on, and so on) have been the chief reason for my re-enchantment with comics and cinema in recent years. Thanks, Tucker. Thanks, everyone. This was lovely to read.

P.S., I'm hyped as fuck for the new Reacher movie.

Happy 10 years. when i first started listening to your podcasts and reading this blog i was genuinely very depressed, lonely and at a bit of a crossroads in my life. Having familiar voices to listen to who talked about the same things I liked in funny ways helped me feel less alone and basically just cheered me up. Sounds stupid but yeah, if not for factual opinion i'd be a lot more bummed out about life than i am now.

Happy 10 years. This site has kept me alive. What you've accomplished here is incredible and has made the world better. Thank you for all of it.

I love this website and the writings/podcasts of all of its contributors. Thanks.

I've been a fan of this site since your Humanoids/DC megathing and always loved your weekly comics roundups. Also, Comics are burning in Hell is such a treat... Congratulations Tucker and the others. And thanks very much!

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