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Sorry to hear your thoughts on SILENCE. I was curious about it but missed it at the theater. I'll still catch up with it. It's so true Scorsese stinks when he is trying too hard to be "GREAT." THE WOLF OF WALL STREET was a lot more fun than I expected.

I don't think Adam Driver has a lot of range. He seems to be everywhere and is probably overexposed. I think he can be quite effective if used well. I've liked him on GIRLS and thought Jarmusch did quite well with him in PATTERSON (among Jarmusch's best - the best since BROKEN FLOWERS that's for sure). He seemed lightweight and inconsequential to me in that STAR WARS thing (but who cares?) and MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (bleh!). Those 2 Noah Baumbach films were more his speed.

I meant to bring up the little i've seen/heard about Paterson when we talked about Driver--that movie looks right up my alley, and the clips i've seen look like he really nailed it. Due to the traveling i've been doing of late, it's been more difficult than I'd like to catch up on those kind of limited release movies--but that one is a priority!

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