- - -
0:00:00 - 0:31:39 - Mute (2018), directed by Duncan Jones, starring Alexander Skarsgaard, Paul Rudd, Justin Theroux, Seyneb Saleh, and Sam Rockwell.
0:31:40 - 1:28:44 - Stalker (1979), directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, starring Alexander Kaidanovsky. Anatoli Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko, and Alisa Freindlich.
Annihilation (2018), directed by Alex Garland, starring Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tessa Thompson, Gina Rodriguez, Oscar Isaac, Benedict Wong, and Tuva Novotny.
Next Week: Phantom Thread
Our outro music this week: is "Give Out But Don't Give Up (Portishead Remix)" by Primal Scream featuring George Clinton. And our intro, as always, is from Escape From New York.
"Everybody hated it except for you and Abhay."
"Oh, I didn't like it."
Posted by: Abhay | 2018.03.14 at 00:32
I kept hearing this creepy string of child-like singing throughout the podcast. I think your podcast is haunted..................
Posted by: Yunfa Chen | 2018.03.19 at 14:43
Yunfa - that's on me! I was recording at a friend's place and his 6yr old was wilding out intermittently from the other room
Posted by: Morgan | 2018.03.19 at 16:56