After the break, take a listen to the latest episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, with Tucker Stone, Chris Mautner, Matt Seneca & Joe McCulloch!
This week, Joe, Tucker, Matt & Chris are taking a look at the graphic novel Portrait of a Drunk, a 2020 release from Olivier Schrauwen, Jerome Mulot & Florent Ruppert, published in the US by Fantagraphics.
You can buy the book here, via Bookshop--and you can take a look at some of the other books talked about on the podcast here. If you purchase any of the books, the podcast will receive an affiliate fee, which will go towards paying the monthly hosting fee for the podcast.
Couple things that seem relevant: The forthcoming Grande Odalisque is Ruppert and Mulot collaborating with Bastien Vives, and from what I can tell, Vives draws the faces on the characters, same as the faces here bear Schrauwen's mark. Ruppert and Mulot also did a project I think at Angouleme where they organized this vast "jam" comic, "Maison Close" where they drew all the backgrounds/panel borders for a comic set at a brothel-- women autobio cartoonists inserted their characters as the prostitutes, while men (Trondheim's the only one I can remember) drew themselves as the johns. And obviously, their work just as a duo is collaborative to a high degree where they essentially have a single "style" and there's nothing you can cite as definitively the marks of one or the other, so that would give them a background in a framework where other artists can collaborate seamlessly with them.
Posted by: Brian Nicholson | 2020.05.11 at 17:11
I do recall the Maison Close project, in that I recall Chantal Montellier mocking the concept’s gendered provocation... ‘icy’ cartoonists who could not be further apart.
Posted by: Jog | 2020.05.11 at 17:42