After the break, check out the latest episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, with Joe McCulloch, Chris Mautner, Matt Seneca & Tucker Stone!
It's time to dive into some of the most politically prescient manga now available in English to the discerning reader: Masumura Jūshichi's Children of Mu-Town, published by Glacier Bay. What will the onslaught of takes result in: consensus, or all out war? There's only one way to find out, and if you haven't figured that part out yet, then I think we all know why you're still reading this description. Suit up!
You can take a look at a lot of the books we talk about on this show on our Bookshop page. (But not Children of Mu-Town--for that book, head over to Glacier Bay directly!) If you purchase any of the books, the podcast will receive an affiliate fee, which will go towards paying the monthly hosting fee for the podcast, and, because it is Bookshop, will also go to support indie booksellers. On Twitter, you can keep up with the boys at @factualopinion, @snubpollard, @mattseneca and @cmautner. We also set up an instagram for the show if you want to bet money on future hot takes!
Here's the New York Times article on places like Mu-Town we mention toward the beginning of the show:
Posted by: Matt Seneca | 2021.06.17 at 10:47
Fine form fellas; fine form. Managed to nab myself a copy just in time.
Posted by: Moose | 2021.06.22 at 01:44