After the break, check out the newest episode of Travis Bickle on the Riviera, with Tucker Stone, Joe McCulloch and Matt Seneca!
If the title didn't clue you in, yeah, this episode is on the new movie by M. Night Shyamalan's Old and Andrei Tarkovsky's Mirror. But what the title doesn't tell you is that this crossover episode features Joe McCulloch and Matt Seneca: one man an expert in M. Night Shyamalan, the other man an expert in Andrei Tarkovsky. What to do about a host who is an expert in....neither? Only one episode required to find out!
You can download episodes directly from spotify, itunes and rss. This is a Patreon-supported podcast, subscribing to the show can give you access to additional content and sesh--starting this month, you'll hear us drilling down into Michael Mann's movies--The Insider, Heat, Ali, Collateral, Miami Vice, Public Enemies and Blackhat are up now--final clean-up sesh around the corner! Tucker's new essay series is up now as well, new one coming. You can keep up with Tucker on Twitter at @factualopinion, Joe @snubpollard and Matt at @mattseneca Okay, that's enough. See you next week!
Next week Suicide Squad?
Fingers crossed...
Posted by: tim Hamilton | 2021.08.22 at 16:58
It's here Tim--brief, I try to remember Jai Courtney. One of those days!
Posted by: TUCKER M STONE | 2021.08.22 at 17:25