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Ah, this episode is practically made for me. There's a good discussion of The Eternals in Charles Hatfield's Hand of Fire, which focuses on the tension between Kirby's natural storytelling instinct and the Marvel Universe editorial teams fixation on continuity.
One thing to maybe think about with ROM is that it's interesting Mantlo & Ditko were able to work so well together given their polar opposite politics. Mantlo was some sort of Marxist (Steve Gerber called him a communist) and Ditko was ... well, Ditko.

Ah, this episode is practically made for me. There's a good discussion of The Eternals in Charles Hatfield's Hand of Fire, which focuses on the tension between Kirby's natural storytelling instinct and the Marvel Universe editorial teams fixation on continuity.
One thing to maybe think about with ROM is that it's interesting Mantlo & Ditko were able to work so well together given their polar opposite politics. Mantlo was some sort of Marxist (Steve Gerber called him a communist) and Ditko was ... well, Ditko.

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